Zebulon Finite Element program

Zebulon is an advanced object oriented FEA program with many non-linear solution capabilities. The program is designed to be flexible for the user and provide solution options not found in other codes. We are aggressively developing cutting edge methods and multi-physics applications. The program is designed to be both easy to learn, and powerful to use.

Currently, the software is still being used as a research and teaching tool, but the commercial user base has been expanding. This includes use in mission critical analysis applications such as found in the jet engine industry, and in the analysis of high temperature pressure vessels. Our current development efforts are directly aimed at industrial level problems.


Zebulon was originally developed as a research and teaching tool for the Ecole des Mines in the late 1980s (existing as a Fortran code up to version 6.0). Starting in 1992, the program was re-written entirely in C++ (see several publications under Papers).

Modules for Analysis

Zebulon gives the user a complete repertoire of solution methods and provides a flexible environment in which to model materials behavior. The software package supplied comprises all the necessary utilities to rapidly achieve the desired analysis, from mesh creation (2D/3D), through the advanced non-linear finite element calculation to flexible and accurate post processing, results visualization and presentation. The following schematic outlines some possible interconnections between the modules.

zebu schematic


Zebulon is available on all major workstations (Sun, Silicon Graphics, Hewlett-Packard, DEC Alpha, IBM), and PCs running under Linux or Windows NT

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