The ABAQUS interface in Z-mat is very robust, due to the complete and flexible UMAT routine in ABAQUS, as well as the full support of user routines in ABAQUS post-processing.
To use Z-mat, a user material needs to be defined in the ABAQUS input file, and the problem launched with the Z-mat script. There is significance to the name of the material given with the *MATERIAL,NAME= option because it gives in fact the name of an external formatted ASCII file for configuring everything to do with the Z-mat material. Example ABAQUS input commands to use Z-mat are shown below.
The Zmat launch script (UNIX platforms only) configures the abaqus.env file and handles special linking requirements. The script is quite fully implemented and does not impede in any way the normal operation with ABAQUS's other features, such as other user-programmable features.
The material file then is loaded from the file named contact which could be a complex porous plastic model with solution controls and initialized variables as follows:
***material *integration theta_method_a 1.0 1.e-8 1500 *initialize_variable f 0.0 ***automatic_time *limit f 0.05 *security 1.3 *divergence 2.0 ***behavior porous_plastic **elasticity isotropic young 1789. poisson 0.39 **porous_potential *porous_criterion gurson q1 1.5 q2 1.0 fs function 10.*f; *flow plasticity2 *isotropic_hardening by_point sigeq p 10.170, 0.00000 20.204, 0.00084 66.074, 0.00932 72.264, 0.02581 76.941, 0.05418 80.624, 0.08573 87.318, 0.14326 87.318, 1.e20 *strain_nucleation gaussian en 0.005 fn 0.3 sn 0.002 ***return
Note that material coefficients are only defined in the Z-mat file. Coefficients can be defined by the somewhat more flexible format in Z-mat including tabular, functional and other formats, and can depend on temperature or any of the 9 user defined field variables. Also, some models such as the porous plasticity model above allow the coefficients to depend on integrated variables as well (pay attention to your thermodynamics here).
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