New features in Z-mat 8.0.3
Many comprehensive developments were added to the 8.0.3
version of Z-set, including many new capabilities for Z-mat
users. A summary of some of the additions follows.
- Speed improvements Many speed improvements have been
made both algorithmically and in program optimization. Running
a small problem in Z-mat with simple materials model which exist in
ABAQUS typically consumes more CPU than the native material models
(usually a factor of 1.6). This is due to extra data exchange
which must be done, and very general program implementation.
- ABAQUS/Explicit There is now an interface with
- Ansys interface The ANSYS interface was completed this
year, and performs very well. In particular with ANSYS 5.7
new post processing capabilities have been added so the state
variables can be visualized.
- External variable storage Z-mat can now use an external
database file for the state variables. This feature allows
any number of state variables to be used with Z-mat breaking
the barriers presented by different codes (e.g. Cosmos and
- Cycle skipping with
ABAQUS A special module has
been developed to control ABAQUS and provide cyclic based
extrapolation to greatly speed up fatigue analysis.
- More automatic time stepping integration
A local-level sub-stepping is available for implicit integration
allowing highly non-linear materials to pass without causing
the global problem time step to reduce.
- Perturbation derivatives Finite difference analysis
is now available for the local integration Jacobian and the
material tangent. These methods are useful for highly complex
models and user development.
- Ability to run Fortran UMATs Z-mat now has a
"wrapper" behavior which can be used to run Fortran UMAT
code within the Z-mat platform. This is primarily useful for
using the Simulation/Optimization programs directly
on those existing programs.
- Cast iron material
- Non-quadratic yields
- Dynamic strain aging
- More kinematic hardening
New features in Z-mat 8.3
Here's a summary of some of the new features in 8.3 which was released
in 2003. This version is updated with new material models
and features with each minor release.
- Greatly expanded documentation
- User elements
- Improved performance with explicit solvers including parallel
- LS Dyna interface
- General multi-mat
- Finite strain viscoelasticity with damage
- Porous plastic with kinematic hardening
- Multi-surface porous plastic
New features in Z-mat 8.4
Z-mat 8.4 is the current development version.
- Continued expansion of the documentation
- Improvements of the graphical user interface, Zmaster, to include a GUI for Z-sim
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